Latest Update Regarding the Coronavirus COVID-19 March 20, 2020
Latest Update Regarding the Coronavirus COVID-19 March 20, 2020...
Latest Update Regarding the Coronavirus COVID-19
This is the latest release from the leadership of Grace Baptist Church regarding current and ongoing plans for public gatherings at Grace Baptist Church. ...

Review Roundup: Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung
I (Dan) recently had the opportunity to read Kevin DeYoung's latest book Crazy Busy (A (Mercifully) Short Book about a Really Big Problem). It's a short and practical read for busy people. Overall I believe it's a good read, however you will be left hanging if you expect any quick solutions or "how to's" to clean up your busy schedule....

Thank God for Conviction of Sin
"If God is still convicting you of sin, praise his holy name. Because when he stops, you are in a dangerous, dangerous place." - Jeff Eastwood...

Millions Sold, No Money Taken: What John Piper Does with His Royalties
Although not everyone has the influence and reach of John and Desiring God, all can be encouraged by their example. ...

Thank God for Conviction of Sin

"If God is still convicting you of sin, praise his holy name. Because when he stops, you are in a dangerous, dangerous place." - Jeff Eastwood...
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