50th Anniversary Page

Community and Warning

September 1, 2019 Preacher: Dan Thomson Series: Gospel Community

Passage: Colossians 2:8–10

Paul starts this passage with a warning using the imperative form “to see.” He’s making the point to not just look to the past or to be simply mindful of ideas passed down generationally. The concept in the Greek is that of “being watchful” or “to see” as in a lighthouse beacon continually shining into the distance to make sure no enemy ships come close to shore.

It also includes the idea of not having your guard down and being taken captive, like a kidnapper getting a hold of you and dragging you off. Repeatedly in scripture, we’re warned to be careful of false teachers. The Colossians wouldn’t have been led astray by overtly evil people; they were likely familiar and just those who were part of the community who were still adapting their gnostic, mystical idol worship into other practices that could have included worshiping Christ.

Ultimately, we have one true authority. Christ Jesus is the head. Everything else in life falls at the feet of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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