50th Anniversary Page

Community and Thankfulness

October 20, 2019 Preacher: Dan Thomson Series: Gospel Community

Passage: Colossians 3:15–17

There are three main points in this passage.

  • Peace of Christ (verse 15)
  • Word of Christ (verse 16)
  • Name of Christ (verse 17)

The Peace of Christ is not simply the absence of conflict and trouble, it’s the presence and peace of God Himself. Paul also talks about it ruling in our lives; the Greek term means umpiring, deciding a contest, or having say over. This is how the church is supposed to be. Paul ends these three verses with thankfulness. When filled with the peace of God, thankfulness results. Be cautious, though: the Peace of God won’t be contrary to the Word of God.

The Word of Christ: be faithful and obedient to it. Wisdom grows when making the Word known by actions; when we’re changed by it and it’s noticeable. Let God be at home in our hearts. The Holy Spirit needs access to every part of our lives. We have to highly prize God’s Word in our hearts. Paul also talks about teaching and admonishing one another: See 2 Timothy 3:16; “one another” means it’s applicable to the church.

The Name of Christ means everything! In everything you do ("word or deed" means anything you say and anything you do), give honour and glory to Jesus. Nothing in our lives should be “off limits” to God. It says so: “Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus”. Jesus should be a part of it all. The wisdom we need is from God Himself.

You need people in your life to admonish you. To tell you the hard things. It’s not unkind to speak truth in love.

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