Core Values
The core values of Grace Baptist are taken from Matthew 22:37-40: “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” They are: love God, love people, and serve others. We have further condensed them into three words: worship, connect, serve.
We believe that these core values not only speak to our mandate, which is to make disciples, but they also articulate how this mandate is to be carried out. We make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20) by encouraging people to worship God, connect with fellow believers, and serve those in our sphere of influence.
What does that look like in the life of our church?
“We are blessed to be able to clearly articulate our reason for existing- making disciples (Matthew 28:16-20). We look to do that by adhering to our core values- worship, connect, serve- (Matthew 22:37-40)."
We love God by obeying Him, learning more of Him, and growing in relationship with Him. In short, we worship God.
We do this by:
- Individually and corporately, we converse with God and grow in our love for Him as we pray. We are looking for ways to increase this reality across our church family.
- Actively participating in Sunday service. Our entire liturgy is carefully and prayerfully chosen to lead us to love God more as we recite the gospel weekly and encourage congregational participation throughout.
- Participate in the Grace Baptist Academy classes. These teach and instruct us in how to love God more deeply, intelligently and passionately.
- Be actively discipled. As this ministry continues to grow, we want every member of the Grace family to be discipled and to be discipling. This only increases our love for God our Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We love people by fellowshipping with them, learning more about them, doing life together with them, rejoicing and weeping with them, supporting them, gently speaking truth to them, and holding them accountable.
We connect by:
- Actively participating in Grace Groups. There are many groups already established based upon the region of PEI that you live in. We will also care for each other in a deeper way as we get to know those closest to us and support them as much as we can.
- Actively participating in the men’s breakfasts and ladies Bible studies.
- Actively participating in the numerous fellowship opportunities we have together as a family. Bible studies, meals, showers, events- all of these are designed to help us grow deeper in our relationships with each other.
We serve others by giving, serving, sacrificing, in humility putting others before ourselves.
We serve by:
- Giving sacrificially. A ten percent tithe may be a starting point, but we should give enough that we notice it. If everyone was obedient in this way the ministry of the family of God at Grace would increase substantially. Nothing we have is ours, it is all God’s. We owe everything to Him, and if we understand that it will impact what we do with our money.
- Visiting those that are sick, hurting, and feeling marginalized. We need to look for those among us that need help and look for ways to meet those needs. We will all need help at some point.
- Ministering in the church. Nursery, children’s ministry, music, youth, tech, and many more areas of the church need a helping hand. We all have gifts from the Spirit if we are believers in Jesus, and we all need to be serving somewhere in the church.
- We must "go" or support those that do. The gospel needs to be heard wherever people are.
- In our community. We attempt to highlight many local ministries that are the hands and feet of the gospel right here on the Island, and we can give of our time and money to help in whatever way we can.
- Sharing the gospel with those that God brings across our path.