Jeff Eastwood
Elder of Preaching & Vision
Jeff Eastwood is a graduate of Northland International University (B.A.). He has been in pastoral ministry since 2003, serving in both Independent and Fellowship Baptist churches in Waterloo, Ontario and Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. He presently serves as the Lead Pastor here at Grace Baptist Church.
Jeff is the blessed husband of Melanie and the proud daddy of 4 beautiful children, Esther, Titus, Elias, and Lydia.
Jeff is a council member for TGC Atlantic Canada as well as TGC Canada.
Jason Biech
Elder of Christian Education & Discipleship
Principal Jason Biech has been serving the Grace Baptist and Grace Christian School community for eighteen years, with this being his twelfth year as principal. He has strongly influenced the staff and students of GCS with his passions for mission-centered learning and global citizenship. He has lead over 100 students on 7 mission trips to Jamaica in which friendships and partnerships have developed between GCS and The Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf, Independence Hall Baptist Church, Fairview Baptist College and West Haven Children’s Home. Through this opportunity GCS students have not only shared the gospel and impacted others for Christ, but they themselves have been transformed.
Luke Playford
Elder of Administration
Luke Playford graduated from Heritage Bible College and Seminary in 2016 with a Bachelor of Theology and a Pastoral Studies. He pastored in Alma, Ontario for 4 years as an Associate pastor before making his way to PEI. Luke recently started serving here at Grace Baptist Church where he serves as the Associate Elder of Administration. Luke has served in student ministry for many years and one of his greatest passions is to see followers of Christ become more mature in their walk with the Lord.
Luke has been married to his wife Bailey since 2016 and God has blessed them with 3 beautiful boys Layne, Greyson, and Jace.
André Dumas
Lay Elder, Elder of Church Care
Born and raise in Shawinigan (Québec), André became a born-again Christian when he was 11, after his sister Julie shared the Gospel with him. By God's grace, He made André understand that He inflicted upon Himself the greatest injustice of all time by sending His own beloved Son to die on a cross like a criminal – even though He loved perfectly and was without sin – so that anyone who would turn to Him solely for forgiveness would be forgiven and adopted as His child. Since then, André has not ceased to discover more about the value of the supremacy of Christ, the essentiality of His steadfast love, extravagant grace, and His affection for the Church. André completed a PhD in animal nutrition at the University of Guelph and served in this vocation for companies in different provinces and in Minnesota (USA). André enjoys studying the Word of God and sharing it at Church services, special events, Sunday school classes and informal gatherings. He and his wife Marie-Josée are blessed with three children (Naomi, Jonathan, and Anne) who have trusted Jesus as their Savior.
André est né et a grandi à Shawinigan (Québec) où il est devenu un chrétien né de nouveau à l’âge de 11 ans suite à l’évangélisation par sa sœur Julie. Avant sa conversion, il reprochait à Dieu combien la vie était injuste et, par conséquent, ne voulait pas Le connaître. Dans Sa grâce, Il a fait comprendre à André qu’Il s’est infligé Lui-même la plus grande injustice de tous les temps en envoyant Son Fils bien-aimé pour mourir à la croix comme un criminel – Lui qui a aimé parfaitement et n’avait jamais péché – afin que quiconque se tourne vers Lui seul pour le pardon des péchés serait pardonné et adopté comme Son enfant. Depuis lors, André n’a pas cessé d’en découvrir davantage à propos de la valeur de la suprématie de Christ, l’essentialité de Son amour résolu, l’extravagance de Sa grâce et Son affection pour l’Église. André a complété un PhD en nutrition animale à l’université de Guelph et a servi dans cette vocation pour des compagnies dans différentes provinces et au Minnesota (É.-U.). André savoure l’étude de la Parole de Dieu et aime la partager à travers des rencontres informelles, des classes d’école du dimanche, des évènements spéciaux et des services dans les églises locales où le souverain Berger l’a conduit. Lui et son épouse Marie-Josée ont la bénédiction d’avoir eu trois enfants (Naomi, Jonathan et Anne) qui ont cru en Jésus comme leur Sauveur.
Scott Campbell
Lay Elder, Elder of Stewardship
Through the ministry of Main Street Baptist Church in Sackville, New Brunswick, Scott came to know the Lord in the summer of 1985, having just completed a business degree at Mount Allison University. Scott became a Chartered Accountant, and operated a public accounting business in Truro, Nova Scotia for 30 years.
Scott has Masters degree from Moody Bible Institute and a doctorate in theology and apologetics from Liberty University. Scott is passionate about the grandparenting ministry here at Grace Baptist Church, as well as teaching God’s Word in the area of financial stewardship.
Scott and his wife Barb have been married since 1988, and have two daughters and three grandchildren.