Grace Clubs is a new initiative that Grace Baptist is starting with the goal of providing discipleship opportunities for the children in our church family as well as in our community. Grace Baptist Church would love to reach more children with the gospel of Jesus Christ and Grace Clubs seeks to do that through a Thursday night, mid-week program for children in Grades 1-6.
At Grace Clubs you can sign up for any number of different specialized skill classes. Our skilled teachers are gifted volunteers who love to serve and teach children! Our classes will be offered two semesters every year for a total of 12 weeks per semester.
Classes being offered:
Sports (soccer, basketball, etc.)
Children's Choir
and more!!
The evening is scheduled as follows:
6:00pm - Welcome & Bible Lesson
6:30pm - Clubs Start
7:30pm - Snack
7:45pm - Music
8:00pm - Goodbyes
In order to see what we are offering this semester and to sign up your elementary aged child, please visit the online form below.