March 18, 2020 Update - Coronavirus COVID-19

Dear Members and Attenders,

Live stream will be available on Sunday, March 22, 2020

We will still livestream our morning service and you can watch that just like any other Sunday on our YouTube channel or link through our website

Once again, our musicians will direct our hearts and minds upward and there will be a sermon from Ecclesiastes 3:9-22 entitled "Eternity". Our hope is that you will gather with your family and worship God with us at that time and share the link with other family, friends and neighbors.

Your elders will continue to communicate and evaluate this ever changing situation with the plan for gatherings, based on the recommendations from public health and both our Provincial and Federal authorities.

In the meantime, here are some great resources available to you if you would like to study God's Word deeper or have some safe media for your kids to consume.

1. Right Now Media - If you would like FREE access to this incredible resource with both teaching series and children's programs, go to RightNow Media on our website to submit your email address. You'll receive an invitation shortly after.

2. Ligonier Ministries - All teaching series now free to stream. Click here to investigate this trusted resource.

Continue Prayer and Care

Let’s use the void left by cancelled sporting events, worship services, and even work as a time to seek the face of God. Pray for your country. Pray for all the healthcare workers (many in our own church) that will likely be exposed to the virus and stand in higher risk. Pray for our members and attenders attempting to travel home through these uncertain times of confusion and potential chaos at airports and terminals. Pray for God to show us mercy and to spare lives. Pray for one another.

If you become ill, suffer income loss, or experience other needs during this time, please let us know. The elders and deacons want to be sure you are properly cared for and we are eager to help. The best way to coordinate that help is to call the church office or email the office manager at

Thankfully, we have nothing to fear. In our Bible reading yesterday we were reminded from Job that “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2).

God is in control of all things and He is working all things according to the council of His own will, for His purposes. We truly have nothing to fear.

So, let’s live through these uncertain days both wisely and winsomely. Using caution, but being bold for Jesus, as those who know for certain that they are immortal until the day God calls them home.

With much love for you all,

The Elders of Grace Baptist Church

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